Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ground Chicken & Chickpea Curry Stew

Over the weekend, I usually plan dinner for the entire week. This past weekend I was lazy and come Monday night I was at a loss. I found this great recipe online for a curry stew and it just so happened to be super simple, low in points and delicious! It just might be my husband's new favorite dish! I had almost everything on hand but I substituted a couple of ingredients & added a little of my own. Here is the link to the recipe:
Ground Chicken and Chickpea Curry Stew with Yogurt 

Here are the changes I made:
1. I omitted the oil
2. I used only 1 pound of ground chicken
3. I did not have much onion on hand so I used the little bit I had left & diced up a large red pepper instead
4. I used diced tomatoes with jalapenos because that is all I had in the house (warning: the jalapenos made this dish extremely spicy! If you like heat, I would suggest using the tomatoes with the jalapenos, if not, then just use the plain diced tomatoes & add your own hot sauce to taste at the end)
5. I did not have Greek yogurt on hand so I just used plain fat-free yogurt
6. I omitted the cilantro
7. I added minced garlic & a sprinkle of garlic & onion powder. I also served the stew over brown rice.

With my alterations, this recipe made 6 and a half cups of stew coming in at only 5 Points Plus per cup! I put it over 2/3 cup of brown rice for and additional 4 Points Plus. In total, my dinner was 9 Points Plus of spicy deliciousness! This meal will definitely be a weeknight staple in our home from now on!

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