Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flourless Breakfast Oatmeal Cookies

If you like oatmeal cookies, you will like this recipe! You will also love me for posting a cookie recipe that comes out to only 1 Points Plus each (this PP value includes the optional 1/2 cup of raisins)! The cookies are called, Flourless Breakfast Oatmeal Cookies. This is not my own so please click the above link to get the full recipe.

Now, I say 1 Points Plus per cookie depending on how you use Weight Watchers e-tools. Weight Watchers has something called Recipe Builder, where you enter in all of your ingredients & the serving size & it calculates the Points Plus value for you. Some foods on WW have a 0 Points Plus value when you eat them alone (for example: bananas). However, when you enter them into Recipe Builder as part of a recipe, it takes everything into account & will assign the banana a Points Plus value (because it is part of a recipe now & not just a single entity). I spoke to my Weight Watchers leader about this once before & she said it is at my own discretion whether I want to count points for a zero point food or not. I chose not to & I still lose weight. So in this recipe, the reason these cookies come out to 1 Points Plus each is because I did not count the bananas, applesauce, almond milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Also, I used 3 very large bananas, so I actually made 24 cookies rather than 12. Whether your choose to count the zero point food or not, these cookies are a yummy, healthy, low-point treat! Oh, and they make the house smell delicious!

*Note: These cookies do not have your average cookie texture. They are dense & heavy & pretty much have the consistency of baked oatmeal in cookie form. These would be great for breakfast!

UPDATE: I made another batch of these cookies except this time I left out the nutmeg (because I am just not a big fan), added a little extra cinnamon, as well as 1/8 cup of maple syrup. These were DELICIOUS! I enjoyed this batch much better than the first one...my husband did too because they are almost gone! 

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