Friday, February 8, 2013

Red Velvet Gooey Butter Cake

Valentine's Day is almost here and I wanted to bake a little something special for my hubby. I searched Pinterest and found a million recipes but one in particular just sounded too delicious NOT to make. Since there is a blizzard in process outside today, I decided we would celebrate Valentine's Day early this year, so I just finished baking this sweet treat. I chose Red Velvet Gooey Butter Cake because, #1 It is red (very festive), #2 Our wedding cake was red velvet (very sentimental), #3 The recipe sounded delicious AND simple (doesn't get better then that)! Anyway, it came out DELICIOUS! It is pretty decadent, so you have to have a serious sweet tooth to fully enjoy this cake. My husband could only eat a small serving at a time (because it is a bit sweet for his taste), as for me... I could sit down and eat the whole tray! Hope you enjoy :)

P.S. Sorry, my first recipe is not Point friendly but definitely worth the splurge! 

Red Velvet Gooey Butter Cake Recipe

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