Saturday, February 9, 2013

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (My Weight Loss Story)

When I was three years old, I started gaining an unhealthy amount of weight. Throughout my entire childhood I continued to gain weight and was very unhealthy. Needless to say, I was pretty unhappy with my self image growing up. I couldn't shop at "normal" stores, boys never liked me, kids always teased me, and I was always the fat kid. I was on every diet that was ever created but nothing ever seemed to stick. I am only 5"2 and when I was 16 years old I reached my highest weight of 260 pounds. I wore a women's size 24. I was uncomfortable and embarrassed. At age 17, I decided that I just did not want to live that way anymore and something HAD to change. I set a goal for myself... I would be skinny for my senior prom! The summer of 2004 (going into my senior year of high school), I joined Weight Watchers and it changed my life forever. Starting that summer, I changed the way I ate, the way I moved and the way I thought. I exercised every day, ate my daily points target, and focused on being "skinny" for the dance. With God's help, I lost 110 pounds by my senior prom and I wore a size 10 dress! I never thought that would ever be possible! Not only did I look great but I felt great! My body and mind felt healthy and I actually had confidence. This was a huge milestone for me and definitely not an easy one.

After prom, I graduated high school and went off to college where I was surrounded by cheap, greasy, unhealthy foods. In the beginning, I tried my best to count points on my own and make healthy choices but it felt almost impossible. I was away from home, restricted to the high fat, high calorie foods that the college provided. I was back to an unhealthy lifestyle. Throughout my 4 years of college, I gained back about half of the weight I lost. I felt pretty bad about myself and wondered if I could possibly go through the long journey of weight loss again. I felt discouraged and really thought that it was just in my genetic make-up to be overweight my whole life. Well, GOD is SO GOOD and He always has a plan.

In 2009, I met my wonderful husband. We dated for 8 months, got engaged, and then married 10 months later. When Steve and I met I weighed 207 pounds and he loved me anyway! However, I was not really loving myself. Steve proposed August 2010, and in December 2010 I rejoined Weight Watchers. I did not want to be a fat bride! To be honest, this time around I did not expect to lose much weight. Like I said, I was still in the mentality that I HAD to be overweight and there wasn't anything I could really do about it. When I rejoined Weight Watchers my plan was to lose about 20 pounds just so I could look decent in a wedding gown. Well, God had much bigger plans for me. By June 25, 2011 (our wedding day), I lost 40 pounds and I felt fabulous! I couldn't believe the success I had on the plan. After the wedding, I moved to CT and for the first 6 months I struggled to eat healthy and follow the plan on my own. I gained a few pounds back but ultimately I wound up rejoining Weight Watchers in CT. This time, I just prayed that I would get down to the lowest weight I had ever been (my senior year of high school... 150 pounds). God said, "All things are possible with Me". So I trusted Him and I persevered. I stuck with the program and surpassed my expectations! Today, I stand 5"2, 130 pounds and a size 6! Who would have ever thought?! It was not an easy journey and I believe I will be on it my whole life, but I am so thankful to MY SAVIOR who has never left or forsaken me. He has encouraged me and been with me every step of the way.

I would love to be an inspiration and encouragement to others as well! Even though I have reached my goal weight, I still struggle with food on a daily basis. I know it is not an easy road to travel but I do believe that if I can do it, anyone can. I am hoping this blog will inspire people and I would love to help in anyway I can!

260 Pounds to 150 Pounds

260 Pounds to 150 Pounds (my sweet senior prom)

207 Pounds to 130 Pounds

Jan. 12, 2013.... 130 Pounds (Weight Watchers, Life Time Member!)


  1. I like your blog! Thanks for sharing your story here. I can't wait to see the recipes you'll post.

  2. I'm so proud of you! I'll love you forever.

  3. Lauren,
    I loved reading your story here. You have been an inspiration to many but especially to me. You keep me on track. I'm very proud of you and very thankful that you're my daughter-in-law. Love you!

  4. Lauren jus' looking at you photos what a diff..LORD keep u on the right track Congrats on the ard work n dedication Continue to give "GOD all the Glory & Thanks" HE has truly done great things..and HE will continue to do them in vessels like u and me and others who willingly surrender to His Will and obey n put in the put in the 'good work' Pray for me that i could see my way thru the struggle of overeating! God Bless you.
