Saturday, February 9, 2013

PB2 & Almond Milk

Has anyone ever tasted PB2? It is pretty much just powdered peanuts... peanuts, salt, and sugar to be exact. Basically, they press most of the fat out of the peanuts and you are left with peanut powder. It contains 85% less fat and calories then regular peanut butter and it tastes pretty good! You mix 2 tablespoons of the powder with 1 tablespoon of water and then eat it however you like. I love it because it tastes like real peanuts AND it is only 1 Point Plus per serving! That is awesome because 1 tablespoon of most nut or seed butter is 3 Points Plus per serving. I will usually mix my prepared PB2 with 2 tablespoons of Stonyfield Farm, non-fat, vanilla, organic yogurt and some cinnamon and then dip apple slices in it for a tasty 1 Points Plus snack. Or I will spread it on my banana. I have yet to cook with it but I have read that it is delicious in recipes as well. Now, I am not knockin' real peanut butter or any other nut or seed butters. My two favorites are almond butter and sunflower seed butter. But when I need something tasty and do not want to use a lot of points I turn to PB2!

As for almond milk... I buy Silk, unsweetened, 30 calorie vanilla. I REALLY like it. 1 cup is 1 Points Plus but I usually use half of a cup for 0 Points Plus. One of my favorite treats is mixing 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds in a half of a glass of almond milk with some cinnamon  vanilla extract and Stevia . Mix it up, let it sit in the fridge for a few hours and then you take it out you have Chia seed pudding (1 Points Plus)! Because the Chia seeds hold so much liquid they become gelatinous and in this case create a pudding (the texture is similar to tapioca). You can also add cocoa powder, PB2 or anything else you are craving in your pudding! Play with your options and enjoy!

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